Selesky Donates Comic Book Collection to UA Special Collections

Dr. Harold Selesky has donated his collection of comic books to The University of Alabama Libraries Special Collections. Many of these comic books are now being featured in an exhibit in Special Collections in Mary Harmon Bryant Hall, titled “Saving the Universe One Panel at a Time: Heroes & Superheroes of the Bronze Age of Comic Books and Beyond.” Comic books from the Bronze Age (1970-1985) often included darker narratives than those of the Silver Age (1955-1970), sometimes eschewing the […]

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University of Wisconsin Prof. Ron Numbers to Present “Baptizing Dinosaurs: How Once-Suspect Evidence of Evolution Came to Support the Biblical Narrative,” Thursday, November 12, 2015, 7:30 PM

Dr. Ron Numbers, professor emeritus in the History of Science and Medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will be on the University of Alabama campus on Thursday, November 12 to speak as part of the ALLELE (ALabama LEctures on Life’s Evolution) seminar series. His talk, “Baptizing Dinosaurs: How Once-Suspected Evidence of Evolution Came to Support the Biblical Narrative,” will be at 7:30 pm in 125 ten Hoor Hall. Ron L. Numbers, Hilldale Professor of the History of Science and Medicine, […]

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Associate Professor Andrew Huebner Featured in JAH Discussion

The September 2015 issue of the Journal of American History explores World War I’s legacy in the United States by featuring a discussion among nine leading historians of the period, including UA’s own Andrew Huebner, associate professor of history. “April 2017 will mark the one-hundredth anniversary of American entrance into World War I. The centennial is an apt moment to reconsider how this global conflict affected the history of the United States and how American participation in the war impacted […]

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Ambassador Lino Gutierrez to Speak with Students About Government Careers for History Majors

Ambassador Lino Gutierrez, a former US Ambassador to Nicaragua and Argentina and a graduate of The University of Alabama, will visit the History Department to talk with students about government job opportunities for History majors. Ambassador Gutierrez will meet with students on Monday, October 19, in room 251 ten Hoor Hall (the Summersell Room), from 3:00-4:30 PM. Refreshments will be served. This event is sponsored by the Latin American, Caribbean & Latino Studies Program, the Department of History, and the […]

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AHA’s Perspectives on History Features Dr. Bart Elmore’s “An Environmental History of the Real Thing.”

The October 2015 American Historical Association’s Perspectives on History newsmagazine features an article by Assistant Professor Bart Elmore.   An Environmental History of the Real Thing Bartow J. Elmore, October 2015 “Seven years ago, I set out to write a history of how the Real Thing, Coca-Cola, affected real ecologies in the real world. What drew me to the project was the sheer ubiquity of this firm that started in my hometown, Atlanta, Georgia. Here was a company that operated […]

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Department Celebrates Two Faculty Publications

On September 14, the Department of History celebrated the publication of two new monographs by members of our faculty, Dr. Holly Grout and Dr. Sharony Green. Dr. Kari Frederickson, the Chair of the Department of History commended Drs. Grout and Green for navigating successfully through the painstaking and involved process of publishing one’s first book. Dr. James Mixson then introduced Dr. Grout’s book, The Force of Beauty: Transforming French Ideas of Feminity in the Third Republic (Louisiana State University Press, […]

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Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Anne Avera Create Scholarship for History Majors & Minors

A generous donation from Mr. Stephen and Mrs. Anne Avera created the Department of History’s first scholarships for History majors and minors. Mr. Avera graduated from The University of Alabama in 1978 with a Bachelor of Arts in History.  He has asked that the scholarships be named in honor of Dr. Howard Jones, from whom Mr. Avera took several courses. Mr. Avera graduated with a JD from The University of Alabama in 1981 and is currently the Executive Vice President, […]

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HY 111 Students try Their Hands at the Atlatl, a Native American Spear Throwing Device

On Monday September 14, students from HY 111 – Colonial Latin America, got the opportunity to spend their class time outdoors at the Rec Fields engaged in an active learning experience. Professor Juan Ponce-Vázquez invited students to try their hands at the atlatl, a Native American spear thrower. The atlatl was a weapon commonly used by the Mexicas (previously known as Aztecs) and other Mesoamerican societies in Central Mexico, as well as indigenous civilizations in the Mississippi delta for both […]

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The UA at Oxford Program to Begin Accepting Applications Soon

The UA at Oxford program has been one of the university’s premiere study abroad offerings for more than 35 years. UA at Oxford, under the auspices of UA Education Abroad, is run jointly by the History and English departments, with additional support from the Honors College. Directorship of the program alternates every two years between History and English, with the off-year department having the opportunity to send one faculty member to teach in the program. This year a History faculty […]

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An Introduction to the Year of Utopia with Michael Mendle

Dr. Michael Mendle will provide an introduction to Utopia and to the “Year of Utopia” – the activities, conversations, and events we can create in this flash community of the mind celebrating the 500th Anniversary of Thomas Moore’s seminal and enigmatic book. Sponsored by the College of Arts & Sciences and the Department of History. Wednesday, September 16, at 4:30 PM in room 205 Gorgas Library.

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Associate Professor Holly Grout’s new book examines the transformation of feminine ideals in Third Republic France

Associate Professor Holly Grout’s book The Force of Beauty: Transforming French Ideas of Femininity in the Third Republic, published by LSU Press in June 2015, examines the effects of the meteoric growth of the cosmetics industry in France’s third republic and its effects on conventional standards of womanhood. Grout moves beyond the narrative of beauty culture as a tool for sociopolitical subjugation to show how it also targeted women as important consumers in major markets and created new avenues by […]

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Phi Alpha Theta to screen John Sayles’s Amigo , April 6.

Phi Alpha Theta will host a screening of John Sayles’s 2010 film, Amigo, which explores the interactions of fictional characters during the Philippine-American War (1899–1902). Assistant Professor Sarah Steinbock-Pratt will offer additional perspective during the event with a brief presentation of her research related to empire and education in the Philippines. The April 6 screening will begin at 6 pm, in room 251 of ten Hoor Hall.

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