Students and Faculty Tour Shiloh National Military Park

On March 1, 2024, Dr. Lesley J. Gordon, along with fellow Civil War historians Dr. Susannah Ural and Dr. Timothy B. Smith, coordinated a staff ride to Shiloh National Military Park in Tennessee. UA history undergraduate and graduate students, along with UA and Mississippi State Army ROTC cadets, officers, and MSU graduate students, toured the battlefield to learn about Civil War tactics, command, and enduring lessons of leadership. Staff rides and battlefield tours help students and cadets understand key concepts of history by visiting the physical space where the battle happened.

“The many eager participants and thoughtful responses from students, officers-in-training, and historians conversing together and reacting to past events with careful and thoughtful insight helped bridge past lessons to future events on and off the battlefield. It is hard enough to comprehend Shiloh, but with such a group, it was an effortless endeavor- what a ride!” -Trace Brusco, History PhD student working with Dr. Gordon.