Former Ambassador and UA Alum Lino Gutiérrez to Discuss Post-Graduate Career Options in the Federal Government

Former US ambassador to Nicaragua and Argentina, UA alum Lino Gutiérrez, will hold an informal discussion with History & Political Science graduate and undergraduate students on employment options, requisite skills, and how to negotiate the hiring process for employment in the federal government’s foreign service.

Ambassador Lino Gutiérrez is CEO of Gutiérrez Global LLC, a consulting firm specializing on strategic advice for corporations interested in investing in Latin America and Europe. He serves as an adjunct professor at Johns Hopkins University and George Washington University.

Friday, February 9th, 2018
3:00 PM-4:00 PM
Summersell Room (ten Hoor 251)
Light refreshments provided.

Sponsored by: History Department Political Science Department, Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies Program, and the Bankhead Fund